A wonderful landscape covered in pure white snow. Pine trees sway and snowflakes slowly fall from the sky.
The free version is - as always - ad free, beautiful and fully functional but most settings are locked. The full version has loads of settings including the dynamic real time mode where lights, sun, moon, stars, colors, clouds changes according to the time of day. You can also set fog density, snowflake count, tree count, tree size, snowflake size, snowflake shape, select different backgrounds, change the ground level, change snowflake weight (make them fall faster/slower)... And much more.
Trees: Frank Kovalchek & Newton-Syms
Mountains: Zach Dischner
Forest: mahalie stackpole
Moon: Luis Argerich
Snow on cypress tree by Rosendahl
Landskap indah yang diliputi dalam salji putih tulen. Pokok-pokok pain bergoyang dan jubin salji perlahan-lahan jatuh dari langit.
Versi percuma adalah - seperti biasa - iklan percuma, cantik dan berfungsi sepenuhnya tetapi kebanyakan tetapan terkunci. Versi penuh mempunyai banyak tetapan termasuk mod masa sebenar yang dinamik di mana lampu, matahari, bulan, bintang, warna, awan berubah mengikut masa hari. Anda juga boleh menetapkan kepadatan kabus, kiraan salji, kiraan pokok, saiz pokok, saiz salji, bentuk salji, pilih latar belakang yang berbeza, menukar paras tanah, perubahan berat badan salji (membuat mereka jatuh lebih cepat / perlahan) ... Dan banyak lagi.
Pokok: Frank Kovalchek & Newton-Syms
Mountains: Zach Dischner
Hutan: mahalie Stackpole
Bulan: Luis Argerich
Salji di pokok Cypress oleh Rosendahl